School satchel: tips and recommendations on choice

At the end of summer, many parents face the question of how to choose a school satchel. Buying an accessory involves taking into account a variety of aspects, about which we will tell you in our article.
School satchel: tips and recommendations on choice

At the end of summer, many parents face the question of how to choose a school satchel. Buying an accessory involves taking into account a variety of aspects, about which we will tell you in our article.

Both a first-grader and an experienced student in the period of preparation for school will need a lot of things: new uniforms, notebooks, writing materials and textbooks. However, an important and responsible purchase will be a school satchel. It is he who takes care of the child's health and forms the posture. To know how to choose the right school satchel, we will consider the following points:

  • Backpack and backpack - what is the difference?
  • What should be a satchel
  • Signs of quality
  • How to wear a school backpack

When choosing a school bag, the first thing parents pay attention to is its practicality and price. Everyone knows that the backpack will be full of books and notebooks, and during breaks - flying through the corridors. But remember that the school satchel is still the formation of correct posture.

The school satchel is an ideal option for primary and secondary school children. Thanks to the rigid backrest, the contents of the satchel will be protected from falls and bumps, which is very convenient for children who do not yet know how to keep track of their things.

Teenagers strong frame of the satchel, alas, do not like it. High school students give preference to sports backpacks or shoulder bags. However, even here manufacturers have taken care of the health of children, releasing backpacks with orthopedic back. Externally, the backpack is no different from a stylish accessory, but, like an orthopedic pillow or mattress, prevents curvature of the spine. Therefore, dear parents, if you have the opportunity to influence the choice of a backpack for your adult child, take care that it is safe.

What a backpack should be

Weight. The current GOST states that the weight of an empty satchel should not exceed 1 kg. Therefore, the lighter the satchel, the better. Parents are well aware of how many textbooks and things are folded in a small briefcase, only for first-graders the contents of the briefcase is 2 kg. By the way, a little bit about “cargo” - the recommended weight of a briefcase with textbooks and notebooks is:

  • for children from 6 to 8 years - up to 2 kg;
  • from 9 to 13 years - not more than 3 kg;
  • from 14 years of age - the contents of the briefcase should not exceed 5 kg;
  • from 15 to 16 years of age - the recommended weight is up to 6 kg.

It is important for parents to choose a lightweight satchel and trailSize of the satchel. Often first-graders wear satchels in which they would fit themselves. This is not only ridiculous, but also dangerous for children's weak back. The size of the satchel is measured in the following way: the upper edge of the product does not rest on the back of the head, and the lower edge of the product does not press on the waist.

Orthopedic backrest. A backpack or satchel with a semi-rigid orthopedic backrest follows all the curves of the spine. On the body of the product there are convex rollers, which, when worn correctly, form the posture and distribute the load. The back on the school satchel should be firm, but at the same time have a soft lining that regulates heat exchange.

Straps. The wider the straps on the school satchel, the more comfortable it is to wear the product. The recommended width of the straps is 4-5 cm, but their length depends on the child's height. The straps on the school satchel should be adjustable so that the accessory fits snugly on the back and does not hit the waist. Also watch the length of the straps, it should always be the same both left and right.

Reflective elements. Bright coloring of the school satchel makes the child more visible on the road and in the dark. Few parents pay attention to reflective elements on children's clothing and accessories, but if the child gets to school on his own, you need to take care of his safety.

When choosing a backpack, make sure that reflective elements or colors are located on all sides of the product. The most eye-catching and therefore visible colors are yellow, acid green and orange.

Signs of quality

After you have learned the difference between a school satchel and a backpack, let's proceed to the signs of a quality product. When choosing a school satchel, be sure to take into account all the previous points and pay attention to the external signs - material, fittings. A quality school satchel is:

Waterproof lightweight fabric that does not lose its appearance after washing. In case of getting wet, drawings are not erased, and the material does not shed.
Strong and even seams and no threads sticking out. Plastic parts in the satchel should be smooth and without nicks.
Quality locks and zippers, preferably made of metal. The child should have no difficulty opening and closing the pockets.
Reinforced corners of the body, which increase the durability of the school satchel.
Internal compartment divided into compartments + the presence of pockets and a niche for a bottle.
Waterproof bottom made of plastic, thanks to which the school satchel can be placed on the ground or in the snow.

How to wear the school bag

The perfect school satchel is liked by both parents and child. And this means that the product has combined quality, reliability, safety and attractive design. Now let's move on to the next stage - the position of the backpack on the child's body. In order to wear the backpack was safe it is necessary to control the following processes:

  • At school age, the child forms the correct posture, so the backpack should not be allowed to be worn on one shoulder.
  • The school satchel should fit snugly on the back and not hang on the buttocks.
  • The backpack straps should be fixed firmly and at the same height. Tighten them so that the heaviest part of the contents of the product is located in the waist area.
  • The backpack should contain only the essentials. Also remember the recommended load for the age group. For a child to be able to walk comfortably place heavy books closer to the child's back, but the left and right side load equally.

Children care about how their satchel will look like, and parents - the quality of the chosen product. Try to find a compromise and choose an option that will please everyone. Let your school satchel will be comfortable and attractive. And remember, a good satchel brings excellent marks!

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