How to clean a mattress from old stains at home?

Cleaning mattresses: 4 quickhacks to help keep your sleeping space clean.
How to clean a mattress from old stains at home?

We spend a third of our lives in bed - so it's no surprise that crumbs, hair and even dust mites can be found there. Mattress cleaning is a necessity for those who care about their own health. Unfortunately, a mattress can't be washed in a washing machine like most of your belongings. That's why we've prepared 4 lifehacks on how to make your sleeping space perfect.

Lifehack 1: Your vacuum cleaner starts to get sad if it's standing idle. Vacuuming the surface is the very first thing you need to do. Cleaning the mattress should be done on both sides. The procedure should be done on a yearly basis or as needed. And a little tip: before cleaning the mattress, take care that its bag is free of debris and the vacuum cleaner brush is free of dust.

Lifehack 2: A mattress, like clothing, can absorb the odors of old furniture, dust and dirt. Cleaning will help remedy the situation. To turn your mattress into an island of incense get rid of its initial “aromas” with baking soda. Sprinkle baking soda on the surface of the bed and leave the natural deodorant for 30 minutes, then remove the white powder with a vacuum cleaner.

Lifehack 3: If you happen to spill liquid on your mattress, you need to get rid of the stains immediately. To do this, use a cool, damp cloth. Gently blot the liquid, then soak the residue with a dry cloth. Remember that when cleaning the mattress, rubbing the stains is absolutely impossible! Dirt will only penetrate into the fabric and soak into the lower layers of the product.

Tip: A paste mixture of equal parts baking soda, salt and cold water can be used to quickly clean a fresh stain. Apply the paste to the fabric and remove the excess after 30 minutes. If you know exactly what the stain is from - use this mattress cleaning scheme:

  • Wax stain - put a blotting paper and iron the soiled area with an iron.
  • Lipstick ¦ lipstick marks can be removed with rubbing alcohol. After treatment, wipe the area with a damp cloth.
  • Red wine stain - pour salt over it and then vacuum it.
  • Should be from gum or leukopatch should be cooled with ice. Then scrape off the residue with a blunt knife and rub the place with alcohol.
  • Blood stains - remove with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Nail polish stain can be gotten rid of with acetone - “nail polish remover”.
  • Traces of coffee can be removed with ammonia solution: dilute a teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of water. Apply the resulting liquid and wash it off after 5 minutes with a damp cloth.
  • Traces of organic liquids should be removed with a solution of baking soda and vinegar. To do this, mix the components in equal parts. You can also use lemon juice.

Can't determine the type of dirt?

Use ammonia solution: one teaspoon per glass of water. Afterwards, blot with a damp cloth.
If the previous solutions don't work, you're dealing with super tough stains.
But there is a remedy against them as well. When cleaning your mattress, mix two parts hydrogen peroxide with one part grated soap. Use a toothbrush to apply the mixture. The paste should work like a magic wand within 5 minutes it will eliminate stains. Remove the residue with a damp cloth.

Lifehack 4: The easiest way to protect your mattress from stains, liquids and dirt is with a waterproof mattress cover. It can be compared to a napkin on your lap during a feast: in case of anything, it will always back you up and keep your clothes from getting dirty.
In addition, a mattress cover that is indistinguishable from the mattress can be washed, cleaned and it dries quickly.

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