How much sleep do I need? Consequences of lack of sleep

“How much sleep do you need to be productive?” How often do you hear this phrase from yourself?
How much sleep do I need? Consequences of lack of sleep

Each of us has more than 20 years to sleep in our lives, which, at first glance, could be lived at our own pleasure. With so much time allotted to this process, its importance cannot be ignored. Sleep is a vital necessity that restores the nervous system and strength to the entire body. Therefore, want it or not, but the dream world becomes a kind of cure for all diseases. Very often sleep deprivation is suffered by young mothers and it is necessary to gradually wean the child from night feeding. 

Let's find out how much sleep you need to feel alert and what negative consequences leads to sleep deprivation.

For more than forty years a number of enthusiasts have been trying to find out the duration of life without the kingdom of Morpheus and the consequences of chronic sleep deprivation. There is an official record - 19 days without sleep from the American Robert McDonald's. But do not try to beat the record holder! The ability to stay awake for such a long time is peculiar to a few, but ordinary mortals with daily insomnia can simply go crazy.

Let's take a detailed look at what happens to a person without sleep.

The first two days feel tired. Hormonal changes begin to occur in the body, including a disruption of communication between the neurons of the brain, and mental work is reduced by 30-60%. Outwardly, a person after sleepless nights does not differ from a rested person, except for a slight irritability.

On the third to fifth day, visual and auditory perception deteriorates. The process is complemented by hallucinations and the first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease - temporary memory loss.

After 7 days, the body undergoes a series of tests: memory lapses, low brain activity. Senile symptoms manifest themselves - trembling in the body and hands, inhibition of motor skills.

The final stage depends on individual characteristics. In the first case, a person simply falls into sleep until he regains his strength. And the second deplorable is a lethal outcome.

What are the dangers of chronic sleep deprivation?

If you are not planning to set records for the Guinness Book of World Records, then learn to rest properly. Remember the most important thing that 8 hours of sleep is a useful pastime! If you do not have time to finish things refuse to watch TV series, long sit-ups and properly plan your day with the help of time management.

Sleeping less than six hours a night for an entire week can be extremely detrimental to your health. During sleep deprivation, stress hormones are actively produced in the body, stressing the heart and increasing blood pressure. Sleepless nights weaken the immune system and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and systematic violation of the sleep schedule provokes hormonal failure.

Those who neglect their regimen are also at risk. Night shifts affect health through gastrointestinal disorders and metabolic changes. If you have no opportunity to change your work schedule, make sure that the labor process is in shifts, for example, you work at night and rest 24 hours a day.

A few rules for healthy sleep:

  1. Love yourself and your body by offering it the rest it deserves.
  2. Sleep at least 7 hours a night and be sure to follow the regime.
  3. Do not consume heavy food and alcohol before bedtime to avoid restless nights and insomnia.
  4. Watch out for the quality of your mattress and bedding. They regulate the condition of the spine, neck and head, provide comfort and healthy sleep.

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