Causes of insomnia: what your body is screaming for

If you notice that you've started waking up at night and can't find a reason for your insomnia, take a look at your health.
Causes of insomnia: what your body is screaming for

If you notice that you've started waking up at night and can't find a reason for your insomnia, take a look at your health. Restless sleep can be the first sign of a disturbance in the body.

The causes of insomnia may lie in the psychological and physical state. Stressful situations aggravate chronic diseases, disrupt the functions of the nervous system, which in combination affects the stability of sleep. With excessive physical activity, a similar situation occurs. However, if your life proceeds without anxiety and marching, your inner world wants to report interesting news.

The human body obeys the internal biorhythms. Working as a well-coordinated mechanism, it determines the rhythm of vital activity and generates many processes. Growth, nutrition, recovery are associated with external events and are tied to a certain time of day. Therefore, the causes of insomnia can tell about what is going on inside, warn diseases and simply understand why you do not sleep

21:00 - 23:00. Why is it difficult to sleep?

During this period, the blood vessels are active.

Since childhood, we were taught to go to bed between 21:00 and 22:00 in order to maximize the body's ability to rest after a busy day. Many people continue this tradition to this day. However, if your biorhythm is normal and you fall asleep only after 23:00, pay attention to the immune system. Lack of vitamins in the body - one of the most common causes of insomnia. Eat more fruits, drink juices and sleep will be restored.

The next factors that complicate sleep at this time are adrenal and thyroid problems.  If you know that your body is affected by the above diseases, see your doctor and get a preventive checkup. The causes of insomnia can also include the standard manifestations of nervous system disorders: anxiety, fixation on your own person and work. Put down negative situations and calmly go to sleep in your favorite bed.

23:00 to 1:00. What makes you wake up?

During this period the gallbladder is active.

From 23:00 to 1:00 a.m. while you are resting and gaining strength, your body continues to work. Its main purpose becomes the processing of fats that have been accumulated during the day.

This cause of insomnia may seem insignificant to you, because one way or another the gallbladder struggles with the digestion of substances. But the fact is that with a healthy intake of fats, you won't be waking up in the middle of the night. In order to reduce the load on the organ, plan your diet properly, include healthy fats in your diet.

In addition, the cause of insomnia may lie in your subconscious mind. If you condemn yourself or others for something, then your sleep in the period from 23:00 to 1:00 can be restless and sensitive. Therefore, choose a day for self-condemnation, and at night, pay attention to resting on an orthopedic mattress.

1:00 to 3:00. Why do I wake up?

Period of liver activity.

The liver is a sensitive organ that usually has little to no recovery. Therefore, this cause of insomnia is very important to consider. If your sleep disorder becomes cyclical, it means that it's time to lower your intake of fatty foods, alcohol and drastically revise your diet. By securing a vital organ, you will avoid serious complications that affect the body and acquire a healthy sleep.

The causes of insomnia may reflect your emotional state. Anger, anger and guilt also interfere with sleep at this time. There is no reason to hold a grudge when your health is at stake.

3:00 to 5:00. Insomnia?

During this period, the lungs are especially active.

From three to five in the morning air breathing organs accumulate oxygen, which they distribute to the whole body. This process is accompanied by a feeling of sadness and sadness. When you wake up, you can detect clear signs of depression: despair, depressed mood, irritability. The symptoms can affect your state of mind throughout the day. The causes of insomnia are overcome with a healthy diet and clean air. These two components regenerate the entire body, creating an uplifting state of mind.

5:00 to 7:00. Can't sleep?

Active phase for the large intestine.

It's not unusual for your sleep to be interrupted by the urge to go to the toilet. If among all the causes of insomnia this one brings discomfort, water can help you prevent it. By increasing your water intake throughout the day, you are cleansing your body of harmful substances.

The emotional component that keeps you up between five and seven in the morning is a sense of hopelessness or impatient anticipation of life changes. Analyze your desires, write down your goals and let go of your worries. It is the worries that are pulling you back and keeping you busy.

As you have seen, the causes of insomnia can lie in the emotional state and physiological features of the body. In case the awakenings take a cyclical character, consult a doctor. When your health is not threatened, and insomnia continues to interrupt your sleep, make sure that your sleeping place is comfortable. It may be time to replace your orthopedic mattress, pillow, and mattress pad.

After careful inspection of all the components, you will easily find the causes of insomnia and solve them Good night!

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