How to easily wake your baby up in the morning
Let's find out how easy it is to wake up your child in the morning and turn the beginning of a new day into a charge of positive emotions.
Remember yourself! Do you jump out of bed after the first ring of the alarm clock and begin to quickly get ready for work? No You want to prolong the time of rest at least for a minute ... The same happens with your child, who finds it difficult to wake up at dawn and get used to adult daily life.
To make mornings joyful and invigorating, learn the right way to wake your child. Find a balance between enough time to sleep and the best time to get ready for daycare or school. Pay attention to your tone of voice, movements and you can easily wake up your child without stress and panic. And our tips will make your life much easier.
Preparing from the evening
To easily wake your baby without tantrums, start preparing for a pleasant wake-up from the evening. Make sure that the bedroom is well ventilated, the orthopedic bed is neatly made, there is a baby mattress, the pillow is nicely fluffed, and the baby goes to bed well-fed and in good spirits. These criteria are responsible for the quality and health of your child's sleep, favorably affecting the growing body.
But in order to get a good night's sleep, it is necessary to go to bed on time. Modern somnologists have proved that falling asleep depends on the rhythms of sleep. This completely breaks the stereotype of going to bed at 21:00. Your child can go to bed earlier or later, the main thing is to keep track of sleep phases with the help of special apps or fitness bracelets with an alarm clock.
Familiar sounds
Children respond well to sounds, even when they are asleep. Familiar rhythms are reflected in their subconscious, and the brain picks up the signal that it's time to wake up. You can easily wake up your child with the help of slow and quiet music, favorite poems, a fun song that has become a family hit and even just your presence in the room - walk around the room, gently open the curtains, pick up toys and talk to your child, even if he is still asleep.
Sit on the edge of the bed and stroke your baby, shoulders, back. Rub your palms against each other, there are many active points that are responsible for waking up the body. Massage the earlobes - an active zone that provides immune defense. Accompany all these actions with motivational phrases, stories and, of course, the call to get up. Well, and to complete the massage practice pass on the back of the child's favorite massage of all times and generations “rails-rails, sleepers-sleepers”.
Relaxation time
Taking time for “stretching” will help wake your child up easily. Pulling, stretching, stretching, stretching are necessary for emotional preparation for awakening. And to complete the cocktail of simple gymnastics will help yawning. When we yawn, more oxygen enters the brain, it wakes up. So combine the two actions and go ahead with a great mood to wash up and have breakfast.
Yellow color
According to psychologists, the yellow color has a favorable effect on the activity of the child, charges him with energy and positivity. Therefore, try to use color therapy from the very morning. Let the first thing that the child sees when he wakes up, will be yellow color. For example, you can show your child a soft toy, a lemon or an ordinary sheet of paper of sunny color. Bright colors are responsible not only for the production of endorphins - the hormone of pleasure, but also for a good appetite.
Delicious breakfasts
When the aroma of freshly baked buns reaches the bedroom, the child wakes up. By activating the receptors, the pleasant smell helps to wake up in a good mood and after a hearty breakfast with great pleasure to go to school. By activating all the sensory organs, you can easily wake your child up in the morning. Think through the menu so that the food was flavorful and healthy, then a great mood for the whole family you are guaranteed!
5 minutes of positivity
In the morning, there is only enough time for fussing and packing. But it's how you start the day that determines how it continues. From the very morning you program yourself and the child for an emotional state for the next hours. So forget about the sullen expression on your face, scandals, nerves, and give yourself and the child the opportunity to get pleasant emotions. This can be a cartoon, a board mini game, drawing. The child will wake up easier and faster if he realizes that something pleasant is waiting for him in the morning.
Our life is a game
This advice is perfect for boys who are fond of military themes. In order to easily wake up your child explain to him that every morning he gets up and goes on a military campaign. Spell out the morning routine in terms of time, pack a “brace” and you can even draw a map of the drive from home to school. By turning waking up into a game, your chances of a cranky morning are greatly increased.
A pet to help
Having a pet in the family - it is a sense of responsibility, love and care for the child. It's also a great way to wake your child up easily. Bring your pet into the child's room and start talking to it, little by little including the child in the conversation. The fact that the animal is close by and can be petted will help children wake up. To make sure the child wakes up, you can make a comment that the animal has grown overnight, or its ears are bigger and its tail is lusher than before. These words will interest the child and he will wake up.
And remember:
- The child should not be awakened abruptly. During sleep, all processes in the body occur more slowly, and a sudden jerk into reality can negatively affect the emotional state of children. Therefore, it takes about 15 minutes to calmly wake up the child's body and go from sleep to wakefulness.
- If you don't have enough time to get ready, wake up earlier. Control the time so that your child can wake up and get ready without rushing.
- Be friendly and cheerful in the morning, energizing your child to stay positive throughout the day.
Only parents can easily wake up a child, so experiment, fantasize! You know what's best for your family and how to make their mornings good.
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