Cabbage diet: how to lose extra pounds

The opening of the beach season is just days away, and thoughts of the perfect figure are creeping up more and more often.
Cabbage diet: how to lose extra pounds

Based on cabbage dishes in unlimited quantity and form, this method is one of the most popular systems for creating a graceful figure.

Due to the peculiarities of the body, many girls over the winter period gain weight and the matter here is not about overeating. Therefore, to painlessly and quickly get rid of extra pounds you need the right weight loss, strong fortitude and cabbage diet, which is low in calories and quite a variety of flavors.

Cabbage diet is used in hospitals to unload the body, so it is a gentle way to beat excess weight. However, not everyone will be able to deny themselves the use of familiar products, especially sweets. So have patience, ahead of the summer:)

Cabbage diet - not the fastest, but an effective way to lose extra pounds. The vegetable contains useful vitamins, and its calorie content is 25-40 Kcal. The menu and intensity of the cabbage diet depends on what goals you are pursuing. So, we will tell you about two ways of an interesting pastime surrounded by a crunchy friend.

Cabbage diet #1. Duration of 10 days, the result - up to minus 10 kg. A huge plus of this diet is that the “ban on eating” does not limit you in the choice of cabbage varieties: broccoli, Brussels, cauliflower and white cabbage. In general, there is a lot of room to spread out!

During the cabbage diet you can drink tonic green tea, non-carbonated water, and in the morning - a cup of coffee, which speeds up metabolism.

Well, now let's get to the menu of cabbage diet #1:

  • Breakfast: green tea, coffee or mineral non-carbonated water.
  • Lunch: fresh cabbage salad, in which you can add carrots and olive oil. It is possible to use boiled dietary meat or poultry (beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey) not more than 200 grams.
  • Dinner: fresh cabbage salad (can be replaced by sauerkraut) and a boiled egg. If the feeling of hunger has not left you, eat a fruit, for example, an apple. Two hours before bedtime it is recommended to drink a glass of non-fat kefir.

During the cabbage diet it is forbidden to eat flour products, alcohol and add sugar or salt to food. From fruits it is worth limiting the use of bananas and grapes.

Cabbage diet #2 is based on the use of cabbage soup. This diet brings excellent results in as little as 7 days. In addition to soup, which can be eaten without restrictions, the menu of the cabbage diet includes fruits and boiled meat.

In order to properly prepare diet cabbage soup you will need: 500 grams of white cabbage, 5-6 carrots, 4 stalks of celery, 2 tomatoes, 2 bell peppers, 1 bundle of green onions, 5 onions and 1/2 cup of brown rice. It is necessary to wash the vegetables, and scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin. Next, shred cabbage, cut onions into rings, cut carrots into straws, chop tomatoes and celery. Put all the vegetables in a pot, pour water and bring to a boil. Cook until the vegetables are soft. In another saucepan rinsed rice and cook for 20 minutes, and then let stand with the lid closed for about half an hour. A few minutes before taking the vegetables off the heat, add the cooked rice and chopped green onions to the pot. Salt the contents and you can proceed to the meal.

Cabbage soup almost completely satisfies the body's need for vitamins and removes toxins.

Well, now let's proceed to the menu of cabbage diet #2:

  • Day one: cabbage soup and fruit, except banana and grapes;
  • Day two: hold out only on cabbage soup;
  • Day Three: any vegetables (except potatoes) as a salad or steamed. Cabbage soup in unlimited quantities;
    Fourth day: cabbage soup and, as a dessert, 2 glasses of 1% milk;
  • Day Five: a portion of boiled or steamed meat, chicken or fish, salad vegetables and cabbage soup;
  • Day six: cabbage soup, vegetables (except potatoes) fresh or steamed, a portion of boiled or steamed meat, chicken or fish;
  • Day 7: cabbage soup, vegetables, fruit juice.

The cabbage diet can be repeated not earlier than after 2 months.

For more effective weight loss, accompany the cabbage diet with physical exercises. In addition to burning fat, you will be able to strengthen muscle mass, which will emphasize the curves of your body.

If you are not ready to eat cabbage every day, go on a protein diet, reducing the use of carbohydrates and fats. The key here is not to overdo it and here's why:

  • Carbohydrates, like many other organic substances, are necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. Excluding them from the diet during the diet, the mechanism begins to collapse - the aging process occurs. Carbohydrates, as a source of energy, releases enough strength to “keep afloat” the whole body. Cardinal refusal is better to replace the reduction of a useful substance.
  • Fats, along with proteins and carbohydrates, are the basis of many body systems. Refusing them, you put every organ, nervous and endocrine systems at risk. When dieting, exclude from the diet only fats of animal origin, but vegetable fats in the form of seeds and oils will be very useful for the stomach.

Even sitting on the couch, but still following the cabbage diet, you take care of yourself, your health and your body. Your inner beauty grows into outer beauty, and patience yields amazing results. Be healthy!

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