How to Wake Up Fast: 7 Lifehacks
If the alarm clock is ringing in the morning not for the first time, and the orthopedic bed does not let you out of the captivity of warmth and comfort - no problem.
People have long been divided into owls and larks by the time of effective work and healthy sleep. However, what if your biorhythm does not coincide with the generally accepted “get up at 6:00 am”. You could change jobs, free yourself from picking up the kids at daycare or school, and create and sleep only when you feel like it. It's a great idea, isn't it? But we are all hostage to one big situation. So let's gather our will in a fist and boldly step into life from the very morning!
So that the morning gathering does not turn into a real quest, listen to our interesting tips on how to wake up quickly. Already tomorrow you will be able to forget about the expression “lift - lifted, and wake up forgot” and meet the day with a smile.
1. Find the reason. We are sure that you will find a reason to sleep for another five minutes, because yesterday was a hard day, and today you have more things to do. But no, no, no. Find not an excuse to sleep, but a reason to wake up early. For example, if you get to work earlier, you can also leave earlier or the gym is freer in the morning. How to wake up early - motivate yourself!
2. The bedroom is a relaxing area. Remember that the bedroom is no place for the Internet and television. In the active hours of life they can be your best friends, but before you go to sleep all the gadgets eat up your time. Five minutes of surfing social networks turns into half an hour, an hour, etc. As a result, your sleep instead of the planned eight becomes no more than six. This elementary rule, how to wake up quickly in the morning, is very difficult to comply with modern society. Try it, the result will pleasantly surprise you.
3. Forget about “five more minutes!” You need to wake up at the first builnika call, as dosleeping for a few minutes will not help you come to your senses, but will only aggravate the situation. If time allows you to wake up 10 minutes late, schedule your alarm clock with those minutes of sleep in mind. Plus, choose the right tune for your morning wake-up call. A harsh and loud alarm clock tune can be annoying, and a quiet one you just won't hear. Choose an alternative and wake up with a smile on your face.
4. Only get a good night's sleep. To feel alert and confident all day long, you need a good night's sleep. From the color of wallpaper in your bedroom, to the right orthopedic mattress, to your sleep clothes, these are all important factors. The orthopedic pillow on which you sleep, the lighting in the room, the quality of the bedding should be at the highest level. The answer to how to wake up quickly lies in every object around you, you just need to take a closer look.
5. Wake up and stretch sweetly. Soft and gentle stretching restores blood circulation throughout the body. During this pleasant procedure the body prepares for work, stimulates the pleasure center in the brain and improves your mood. Smooth sipping is the key to waking up quickly in the early morning.
6. A brisk morning. What we were accustomed to from childhood is a thing of the past. Many of the rules we remember now, but there is no time and no desire to fulfill them. However, an effective way to wake up instantly is to exercise. Remember, with what effort you squatted and did bends in kindergarten. With the same enthusiasm, start developing a healthy habit of exercising in the morning. Plus fix the use of a glass of water on an empty stomach. That's how to wake up quickly and rush into action.
7. Say thank you to yourself. Yes, you did it! You woke up early the first time in the morning and you feel great. Share the news and thank yourself loudly “I did great! I did it!” Now turn on your favorite music, brew a wake-up coffee or a glass of energizing smoothie and set your body up for a successful day.
Energize yourself for a positive uplift from the very evening. Before going to bed, think only about good things and you will discover the secret to waking up quickly
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