Which mattress is better: spring or springless?
The difference between spring and springless mattresses is quite tangible, so the choice should be approached with all responsibility. If you do not know whether to choose a spring or springless mattress, you need to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both options. In this case, you should take into account the materials of manufacture, technical characteristics and the price of products.
This article provides information about spring and springless options, including a table with comparative characteristics of mattresses. What is a modern spring mattress? To understand which mattress is better spring or springless, it is necessary to learn the features of both models. Spring mattresses are produced in two types - with dependent and independent springs. In the first option, the springs are connected to each other, creating one degree of rigidity throughout the product. The use of this system in its pure form, without the addition of layers of other materials is rare today. Models with independent springs in separate covers are more expensive than those with a dependent block, but it is justified.
Thanks to the independent system, it is possible to produce mattresses with different levels of firmness not only around the entire perimeter, but also for different parts of the mattress. For example, the middle can be slightly softer than the top or bottom. The advantages of this option: point support of the spine; no unpleasant squeak, because the springs are each in its own cover and do not touch each other; variety of models by filling and, accordingly, by price policy; it is possible to choose a model with different degrees of rigidity in different parts of the mattress; there is no wave effect, that is, the movements of lying next to a person are not reflected in the second half of the mattress.
What mattresses are called springless?
Springless mattresses consist of several layers with different fillings. One of the features of such models is reliability: they will last for many years, because they do not have springs, which sometimes fail. Options for filling mattresses without springs: natural latex - made from the sap of an exotic tree, a gentle material, elastic, has a long service life. To get a mattress of medium rigidity, latex is placed on a layer of coir. If it is necessary to make a hard model, latex is covered on top of coconut. Coconut coir is natural, hard, evaporates moisture, preventing it from getting inside the mattress. Products made exclusively from this material are very hard and resilient. To add softness, coir is combined with layers of softer materials; artificial latex, foam, polyurethane foam - are characterized by a low price, they are strong, quite rigid. Most often these materials are used as additional layers to reduce the cost of the mattress and create an optimal level of rigidity.
Memory Flex foam has a special cellular structure, thanks to which it follows the contours of the body (memory effect) without creating additional stress. For the first time, NASA astronauts started using Memory Flex: thanks to the material it was possible to avoid overloading. After the scientific development, hospitals became interested in the material and started ordering mattresses made of memory foam for patients with cervical spine problems, skin diseases, and musculoskeletal disorders.
Now Memory Flex foam is available to a wide range of consumers.
How Veneto mattresses differ from mattresses of other manufacturers Veneto is a Ukrainian brand, which has been producing mattresses and furniture since 1993. During this time we have been able to win the trust not only of Ukrainians, but also of European consumers. On the site and in our stores is a wide range of models - multi-spring, springless, latex, toppers for sofas and others; warranty - for all mattresses 20 years, there is the possibility of rapid production - a maximum of 72 hours, the use of quality fillers - natural coconut latexed, foam Ecofoam, cotton, natural latex, etc. Buyers have the opportunity to purchase models with five zones of support, polymer orthopedic system, increased aeration, winter-summer effect, antibacterial effect and other functions.
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