Spring or springless sofa - what to choose?

The perfect sofa - what is it like? Big and comfortable?
Spring or springless sofa - what to choose?

Small and ergonomic? Bright or, on the contrary, austere? It is not for us to judge the appearance of a sofa, because the aesthetic component is everyone's individual choice. But here is the filling of the sofa or, if you want, its heart - there is something to think about. Choosing a sofa for home, many buyers face a dilemma - what should be inside it - springs or other fillers? The specialists of Veneto Company will help to understand this question.

Spring sofas

Remember your childhood - in the evening the whole family gathers together on your favorite sofa in the living room, which ... creaking with the springs. Of course, thanks to modern technology, the springs in sofas no longer squeak, they are characterized by high strength, long life and orthopedic properties. Depending on the chosen model of the product, it is equipped with a simple spring “snake”, spring block or independent springs.

  • The spring “snake” is a relic of the past, it was used in old frame sofas and beds. Today, the system is rarely used because of its significant disadvantages - sagging and the impossibility of unfolding the product.
  • Spring block “Bonnel” is used in budget models of sofas. It is a complex of springs that are connected in a certain way. It can be used for regular sleep due to its orthopedic properties.
  • Independent springs - the most preferable option of the spring complex, if you choose a sofa that will be used for daily sleep. Due to the fact that the springs are not connected to each other, they provide point support to the spine, making sleep comfortable.

Springless sofas

Orthopedic properties of springless sofas are achieved due to their fillers.

Most often it is:

  • Polyurethane foam. Hypoallergenic, moisture-resistant material.

Springless sofas of medium rigidity can be used for daily sleep by people without problems with excess weight and spinal diseases.

What to choose?

Choosing between a spring and springless sofa, preference should be given to the “golden mean”. An ideal sofa, which can be used for daily sleep, should include such components:

  • Springs. By far the best options on the market are Bonnell and Multi Pocket Spring. These systems are suitable for a comfortable sleep. In the stores of the company Veneto you can buy any favorite sofa with a spring block “Bonnel” or Multi Pocket Spring - your choice.
  • Filler. The right sofa filler will strengthen its orthopedic properties, making your rest as comfortable as possible. Veneto specialists suggest paying attention to the innovative fillings EcoFoam and Memory Flex. EcoFoam has a cellular structure, thanks to which the body “breathes” throughout the night rest. EcoFoam is soft and elastic at the same time, which provides the spine with full orthopedic support. Memory Flex foam has a memory effect, so that the spine relaxes during sleep.
  • Frame. It should be good and durable. It is also desirable that the sofa is equipped with high-quality lamellas that will not allow the built-in mattress to sag. The ideal option will be lamellas made of beech - they can withstand a weight of up to 150 kilograms, and are also environmentally friendly.

Orthopedic sofas with all of the above properties are waiting for their owners in the stores of the Veneto company. Here you can buy sofas of excellent quality at the best price!

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