Advantages of soft and firm mattresses

One of the primary tasks when choosing an orthopedic mattress is to decide on its degree of firmness.
Advantages of soft and firm mattresses

This parameter is not measurable by classical metrics and depends rather on a person's preferences and anatomical features. How to understand which orthopedic mattress - soft, firm or medium firm - is more suitable for your bedroom? Let's find out together with Veneto specialists.

Mattress firmness: common misconceptions

There is a popular belief that the hardest orthopedic mattresses are the most beneficial for the spine. This widespread myth has been reinforced in our minds for a reason: back in the Soviet times, it was customary to contrast mattresses as hard as stone with low-quality soft mattresses with sold-out springs, notches and “humps” around the perimeter. In fact, both models of mattresses are harmful to the human body. Excessively hard products devoid of orthopedic properties, just like too soft featherbeds, do not allow the body to relax properly, provoking constant fatigue, discomfort and even diseases of the spine. Hard and soft orthopedic mattresses will be indispensable at different stages of life's journey. Nevertheless, the most common and optimal are considered orthopedic mattresses of medium hardness. They will save you from serious health problems, while providing comfort and comfortable sleep.

How to determine the optimal mattress firmness?

In order to choose the right mattress firmness, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the weight and age of the person, the peculiarities of his body and medical indications. Specialists recommend using different orthopedic mattresses for each life stage:

  1. Newborn babies need special care. In the first months of life, their spine is undergoing an active stage of formation, so springless mattresses of maximum rigidity are best suited for them. Also at this age, it is not desirable for children to sleep on a pillow - the elevated position of the head may entail improper formation of the spine. An excellent orthopedic mattress for infants will be the model “Veneto Baby Bio”. This universal springless mattress is designed on the basis of latexed coconut fiber, which has antibacterial properties. The main advantage of the product is its ability to support the correct anatomical position of the baby's body at each stage of development.
  2. Children from two to thirteen years old sleep on adult or teenage beds, which must be equipped with special orthopedic mattresses. The chosen product should fully correspond to the anatomical characteristics of the child's body. You should also take into account that at this age, the weight of the child will change every year. Optimal in this case will be an orthopedic mattress of medium rigidity - spring or springless. The ideal model of orthopedic mattress in this case - “Veneto Comfort Multi”. Thanks to the independent block of springs, your child will wake up awake and rested every day. 
  3. For teenagers and young people, orthopedic doctors do not recommend sleeping on soft mattresses, because the formation of the spine ends after a quarter of a century of life. Take a closer look at models of medium firmness based on independent spring blocks in the case of a standard physique. For young people suffering from excess weight, similar orthopedic mattresses with a high degree of rigidity will be suitable. A good choice will be a two-sided mattress “Veneto Duet”, the peculiarity of which is two sides of different levels of rigidity. 
  4. After the age of 25, the spine stops forming. Having no serious health problems, in the life period from 25 to 55 years old, you can use a mattress of any hardness - it all depends on the preferences and habits of a person. The only nuance is that the chosen model must have orthopedic properties for comfortable rest and proper load distribution. The model of orthopedic mattress “Veneto Comfort Multi Plus”, equipped with a multi-spring block with 256 springs per square meter, is gaining popularity among people aged 25 to 55. The product provides the highest possible point support for each area of the body. 
  5. For people aged 55 and older, experts do not recommend sleeping on mattresses that are too hard. During this period of life, they can provoke diseases of the intervertebral discs. The optimal option - orthopedic mattresses of medium rigidity. One of the best models that will suit people of different complexion is “Veneto Lux Comfort”. This orthopedic button mattress with handmade elements combines comfort and anatomical properties. The orthopedic properties of the mattress are achieved thanks to the natural hypoallergenic filler - coconut fiber impregnated with natural latex, as well as Multi Pocket Spring multi-spring block. 
  • When choosing an orthopedic mattress, remember: the greater the weight of a person, the firmer the product should be

Softness VS firmness: how to choose an orthopedic mattress?

There are advantages and disadvantages to both soft and firm mattresses. When making a responsible decision to buy an orthopedic mattress, analyze the characteristics of your body:

  • Soft mattresses have almost no reciprocal pressure on the body, thanks to which the blood circulation of tissues is not blocked. Spring and springless soft mattresses are suitable for slim people whose weight does not exceed 55 kg, the age group over 55 years old, in whose body age changes begin, as well as those who suffer from arthritis, joint and lumbar problems.
  • A firm orthopedic mattress allows you to reduce the load on the spine and relax the muscles of the back. It corrects posture and does not sag under the weight, so it is recommended for use by people of large build, whose weight exceeds 55 kg. Hard mattresses are also suitable for people suffering from back pain, spinal hernias or cervical spine diseases. Hard mattresses should also be used before the age of 25 - when the spine and all muscle groups are actively forming. By choosing the mattress of optimal firmness you can significantly improve the quality of life and avoid serious health problems. The best mattresses are waiting for you in Veneto stores.

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