Which mattress to choose - spring or springless?

The comfort of the sleeping space depends not only on the design of the bed, but also on the quality of the mattress.
Which mattress to choose - spring or springless?

When choosing a good model, you should first of all take into account its type: spring block, latex base. The difference between spring and springless mattresses is quite tangible, so the choice should be approached with all responsibility.

If you do not know whether to choose a spring or springless mattress, it is necessary to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both options. In this case, you need to take into account the material of manufacture, technical characteristics and the price of products. This article provides detailed information about spring and springless options, including a table with comparative characteristics of mattresses.

What is a modern spring mattress?

To understand which mattress is better - spring or springless, it is necessary to learn the features of both models. Spring mattresses are produced in two types - with dependent springs and independent springs. In the first option, the springs are connected to each other, creating a single degree of rigidity throughout the product. The use of this system in its pure form, without the addition of layers of other materials, is rare today.

Models with independent springs in separate covers are more expensive than those with a dependent unit, but it is justified. Thanks to the independent system, it is possible to produce mattresses with different levels of firmness not only along the entire perimeter, but also for different parts of the mattress. For example, the middle can be a little softer than the top or bottom.

The advantages of this option are:

  • point support for the spine;
  • no unpleasant squeaking, as the springs are in separate covers and do not touch each other;
    variety of models in terms of filling and price policy;
  • possibility to choose a model with different degrees of rigidity in different parts of the mattress;
  • no wave effect - the movements of one person are not transmitted to the other side of the mattress.

Which mattresses are called springless mattresses?

Springless mattresses consist of several layers with different fillings. One of the distinguishing features of such models is reliability: they will last for many years, because they do not have springs that can fail.

Options for filling mattresses without springs:

  • natural latex - elastic material with a long service life. For a medium-hard mattress, latex is combined with coir, and for a hard model, a layer of coconut is added;
  • coconut coir - a hard, natural material that evaporates moisture, preventing it from getting inside. For softening, coir is combined with softer layers;
  • artificial latex, foam rubber, polyurethane foam - available materials, most often used as additional layers;
  • Memory Flex foam - a material with a memory effect that follows the contours of the body. It was originally used for astronauts, and then found widespread use in medical and household mattresses;
  • sisal - similar in properties to coconut coir, but more durable.
Option Springless mattress Spring mattress
Dust Пыль не накапливается внутри из-за отсутствия пустот. Can accumulate between the springs, but in expensive models with a latex layer this disadvantage is eliminated.
Moisture Хорошо вентилируется, препятствует попаданию влаги внутрь. Moisture can build up, causing rust and squeaking springs.
Static electricity It doesn't accumulate. May accumulate due to the presence of metal springs.
Comfort for two It is possible to select different levels of stiffness on the two sides. One level of rigidity throughout the entire area.
Usable area The entire area, including the edges, can be used. Framing around the edges reduces usable floor space.
Service life Ages 15 and up. About 10 years.
Price More expensive than spring models. Cheaper than high quality springless models.

What is the best type of mattress to choose for a child?

It is important for parents to take into account the nuances of the development of the spine in children. It is best to consult with an orthopedic doctor.

Age recommendations:

  • Newborns - firm coconut mattress with a small addition of latex.
  • From 3 to 7 years - springless model of medium firmness.
  • From 7 to 12 years - orthopedic mattresses of medium firmness.
  • Teenagers - double-sided mattresses with different stiffness.

Mattress covers

Covers are divided into removable and sewn. Removable covers are more practical and hygienic. For children, you can choose waterproof covers. Popular models “winter-summer”, made of wool and cotton.

Veneto” mattresses

Ukrainian brand “Veneto” has been producing mattresses and furniture since 1993.


  • variety of models (multispring, latex, toppers and others);
  • warranty up to 20 years;
  • fast production - up to 72 hours;
  • use of quality fillers (latex, coconut, cotton).

Veneto models can have five zones of support, antibacterial properties, improved aeration and other functions.

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