Movies for girls. TOP 10

These movies for girls will take your breath away and your heart will beat more often.
Movies for girls. TOP 10

These movies for girls will take your breath away and your heart will beat more often.

Movies are beautiful because they evoke emotions in us: laughter, tears, sympathy, the desire to go forward and fight for their place under the sun. But there are movies for girls that are unpredictable, elegant and multifaceted, just like the fair sex itself.

Today, dear girls, we suggest you relax and forget about pressing matters for a couple of hours. If you just woke up, stay lounging in bed under a selection of heartwarming movies for girls. Or have a movie diviso, sitting on the couch with close friends and glasses of wine

Our editorial staff has collected for you 10 pictures thoughts and phrases from which can change your whole life.

“Diary of a Memory”

Every movie for a girl should bring pleasure and reveal those truths about which she did not even guess. The story of touching love lived by an elderly man in a nursing home is a perfect example of how the stronger half cherishes feelings and memories. Faith and love as if penetrating from the screen into your own life, making you rethink the importance of relationships, every word spoken. Yes, we do not argue that men tend to hold back feelings, but “Diary of a Memory” will tell you how it all happens in reality. Movies for girls are different... this one is able to fall in love without a trace.

“Just Together.”

If, who knows how to refute prejudice, it is the French. Extraordinarily kind and wise movie for girls is filled with laughter and tears, bitterness and happy everyday accidents. Young and ambitious Camille meets her shy neighbor Philibert. Due to certain circumstances, the girl moves to live with him, where she meets the charismatic cook Frank. Living under the same roof as the three of them, the young people quickly become attached to each other and become, so to speak, a family. How will the friendship between a man and a woman end? The answer to this and other questions in the movie “Just Together”. Movies for girls should recreate life situations and show all kinds of solutions to problems. “Just together” - a picture that will teach to avoid life's turmoil and cherish the people you love.


A tender, fantastic and dramatic movie for girls, the plot of which absolutely changes the understanding of love. Theodore, a lonely introvert, writes love messages for people who have difficulty expressing their feelings. Helping others, he feels a sense of loneliness - divorce from his beloved has put a strong imprint on the emotional state of the writer. To get rid of the pain, Theodore installs a new operating system with artificial intelligence. Talking to the OS, the man begins to feel attached to the program....


Bridget Jones movies for girls are frank and romantic. But today we offer you to watch a romantic comedy “I want like Bridget”. Thirty-year-old Josephine has complexes because of her figure, considering it the source of her loneliness. The only consolation of the cute girl is her red-haired cat Brad Pitt. The last drop of complete disappointment in herself becomes the news that her sister is getting married. The girl is unable to admit to her relatives that she is lonely, so she composes a legend about unearthly love with a surgeon. In the end, the fictional story turns her life 180 degrees.

“Moonlight Magic.”

Do you like mysteries? Then this picture is definitely for you. Actions take place on the Côte d'Azur. At the request of his friend, a young illusionist arrives in France to expose the actions of one charlatan - Sophie. The wife of the recently deceased head of the family thanks to Sophie continues to communicate with her beloved husband, but many people think that the girl just profits from the widow's grief. The illusionist watches Sophie, but it does not bring him any results. Soon after some information from the past of the medium, he himself begins to believe in spirits. Movies for girls, in our case such as “Moonlight Magic”, teaches you to accept people as they are and not to believe your eyes.

“Door to Door.”

Life isn't always sweet as raspberry syrup. Sometimes it's cruel and unfair. The true story of Billy Porter, a cripple from birth. Trying to become a full member of society, he fights his disease, becomes a successful salesman, but by a coincidence of unforeseen circumstances he loses everything again. This movie for girls cures from moping and self-pity. After watching the picture you will realize that it is difficult, but possible to cope with turmoil. The main thing is striving and believing in yourself!

“Hello, Julie!”

A light and kind movie for girls about first love. Tender feelings and shyness pass a red thread through the whole picture. The story begins with the fact that in the neighboring house of little Julie moved peer Bryce. The girl immediately falls in love with the guy, trying to do everything possible to make their feelings mutual. She primly hugs him at school, gets him involved in community service, and soon notices that Bryce isn't so great. As Julie's feelings cool down, the guy begins to realize that there is no one as special as Julie anymore.

“Love and Doves”

Lyrical comedy, which won the hearts of thousands of representatives of the fair sex, and its quotes - became winged expressions. Vital picture about love, the life of ordinary workers and attitudes in the family. If you want to laugh and cry from the heart, be sure to watch “Love and Doves”.

“Gone with the Wind.”

Movies for girls can take us to the distant past, whose attitudes and behavior, are relevant to this day. The strong love story of brave Scarlett O'Hara and gallant Rhett Butler is a book of survival, friendship, seduction and faith. The picture is decorated with unrivaled play of actors, is saturated with emotions and soul. If you haven't watched “Gone with the Wind” yet, you are extremely lucky to see it all for the first time! And the rest of us enjoy another viewing

“Midnight in Paris”

A picture by the talented Woody Allen. Gil is a hopeless romantic. Walking around Paris in search of inspiration for a new book he mystically finds himself in the 20s. Here he meets his idols Ernest Hemingway, the Fitzgerald family and Salvador Dali. Gil becomes a part of their lives, realizing that this time is meant for him. But in the present, his career and family await him....

Movies for girls surprise and conquer, inspire and exalt. We are sure that our selection of movies will make your day unforgettable. Enjoy watching, dear girls!

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