What do men want? What female qualities do they value

A diligent hostess and a passionate lover. Stunning appearance “in a load” to career achievements.
What do men want? What female qualities do they value

Everything seems to be perfect, but no... What else do men want? Let's find out what qualities are really interested in the stronger sex and what kind of woman he dreams of.

No matter how long the legs are, but the man they will not hold for a long time. Of course, every young man appreciates the beauty and sexuality of his chosen one, the ability to cook deliciously, make the bed, but there are a number of female qualities, without which the ideal puzzle of relationships can not collect. After long surveys and experiments, British scientists have found the answer to the question of what men want. Tenderness, care and attention - that's what really attracts the female opposite. However, let's go through each point in order.

Love him for who he is

There is no better way to destroy the relationship than endless reproaches to him. To mold from the established man of the ideal version can only be in childhood. Psychologists say that it is hard for women to accept the fact that the stronger sex can go against and act differently than she wants. Blame it on the maternal instinct, which works at the most inopportune moment and, of course, egoism.

Men clearly want to avoid conflicts and reproaches! This does not mean that you need to whip pillows around him, stand with an opahalom and cherish every second. Making remarks and imposing your own opinion is not the best way to get through to him. Remember that the stick method does not work here, you will get much more if you offer a carrot

Next to patient women are always strong in spirit and well-mannered representative of the stronger sex. To inspire a man, accept him as he is. After a while you will see how he changes and becomes more successful. What do men want? Respect and love!

Praise him because he's a hero

As you name the yacht, so it will sail... This quote from the cartoon “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel” has justified itself 100% In life it has turned into a principle of pedagogy: a man tends to conform to the words he hears in his address.

With daily insults and reproaches in a man develop complexes and arise exactly those qualities that you promote. Lazy and foolish in words can grow into a vicious and soulless representative of society. And vice versa: praise and approval, which are applicable to a man, reveals positive qualities in him. Even with a small achievement, the admiration of a beloved woman awakens all the male energy and the desire to roll mountains. Try it from small and soon you will notice how your spouse has been transformed. What do men want, you ask? To be your hero!

Believe him

The main rule of an ideal relationship is trust. Naturally, if a man gave reason at least once to doubt his infidelity, you will look for a catch from everywhere. But you should not emphasize this.

If after the party, you throw a tantrum, call every 15 minutes to get your partner off your back or hack his social media account, things are very sad. Stop torturing yourself and him! This kind of relationship will not lead to a happy ending.

You have two options to solve this problem, either let go of the negativity and then your relationship will come to normal or end your affair. In any case, the paranoid pursuit of the stronger sex will push him away from you and move him to cheating. What do men want? Peace of mind!

He is happy when you are happy

Faced with life's difficulties, it is not always possible to keep cheerfulness. But male preferences dictate their own rules - the stronger sex likes optimistic women.

Tears, complaints and apathy favorite woman cause fear in the partner and the desire to run away. Imagine for yourself how hard it is to live with a whining man: a bouquet of roses does not smell enough, and dinner at a restaurant - cold. But easy to lift half, illuminating the whole world with a smile, for a man will be a welcome ray of light. With such a woman he is not afraid of tomorrow. What do men want? Optimistic mood!

Hear him

A man's ego is warmed by an interested woman. It is really nice when a loving soulmate looks at you, opening his mouth in amazement, and listens to every word. At these moments, representatives of the stronger sex feel their importance and dignity.

If the reaction to the speech is discouragement and drowsiness, the desire of a young man is to leave and find a better listener. Whatever your storyteller is, listen to his story, perhaps it will open new horizons for you. What do men want? To listen, listen and listen again.

As they say, all felt-tip pens are different. What one man likes may repel another. But these five qualities attract almost all representatives of the stronger sex. We have found out what men want, the matter remains small - to realize all this in life

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